W. Bro. Brian Tierney’s 50 Years in Freemasonry

11 December, 2014

On Monday 1st December The Grove Park Lodge (No.2732) hosted a very special meeting when W Bro Brian Tierney was awarded a Fifty Year Certificate of Service to Freemasonry by the PGM, Paul Gower. What makes this almost unique is the fact that W Bro Brian Tierney has never missed a meeting of his Mother Lodge since he was Initiated in 1964.


Almost the entire Hertfordshire Provincial Executive as well as the Heads of The Royal Arch and Mark Masonry in Hertfordshire attended the meeting, which was followed by a champagne reception and an excellent Festive Board.

 W Bro Brian Tierney was the Province’s APGM, and now he is the Curator of the Provincial Museum and Library.