A message about the Golden Ticket from Chris Noble

3 February, 2016


Congratulations to the Herts Scots Lodge No 9527 on their 2015 success in the Golden Ticket competition. The Provincial Grand Master is pleased to again invite your Lodge to enter the Golden Ticket 2016 competition to win an opportunity to have a Provincial Executive Team perform your next ceremony
(Initiation, passing or raising)
Ceremony : Initiation : passing : raising (NOT rehearsal/demonstration or Installation)
Expenses : each member of the Executive Team will meet their own dining expenses.
Tickets : each entrance ticket costs £250 (multiple entrances welcome)

Closing Entrance Date : Monday 14th. November 2016

Draw Date : w/c Tuesday 22nd. November by the PGM at the Herts Masters 4090 meeting.

Winning Lodge will be notified immediately and invited to arrange the ceremony meeting for 2017

Enjoy a fully attended Temple and festive Board.